

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:10:07作者:百科


Yuan Shikai,亦拼作Yüan Shih-kai。

中国的军队领袖,中华民国首任总统(任期为1912~1916年)袁世凯是在1880年代从韩国开始踏上军旅生涯。1885年,他被任命为驻汉城(Seoul)的中国特派员;晋昇袁世凯是考量到中国的利益,但却促成中日战争爆发。这场战争摧毁了中国的海军和陆军,因此训练一支新军队的任务,落到袁世凯身上。当他的师部成为义和团事件中唯一残存的部队,他的政治地位因而上昇。他在中国的现代化与国防计画中扮演关键性的角色,并获得慈禧的支持。当慈禧死後,袁世凯遭遣斥,直到清朝於1911年至1912年遭推翻後,才被召回,接任新成立之共和国的首任总统。袁世凯对新的国会感到不耐,因而於1913年下令暗杀国民党(参阅Nationalist Party)的领导人宋教仁。袁世凯镇压了後续的判乱,但他创建个人王朝(存在於1915~1916年)的努力,却失败了。亦请参阅Sun Yat-sen。


Yuan Shikai

Chinese army leader and first president of the Republic of China (1912-16). He began his military career serving in Korea in the 1880s. In 1885 he was made Chinese commissioner at Seoul; his promotion of China's interests contributed to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War. The war destroyed China's navy and army, and the task of training a new army fell to Yuan. When his division was the only one to survive the Boxer Rebellion, his political stature increased. He played a decisive part in China's modernization and defense programs and enjoyed the support of Cixi. On her death he was dismissed, only to be called back following the overthrow of the Qing dynasty in 1911-12, when he became the first president of the new republic. Impatient with the new National Assembly, he ordered the assassination of Song Jiaoren, leader of the Nationalist Party (see Guomindang) in 1913. He quelled a subsequent revolt, but his efforts to found his own dynasty (1915-16) failed. See also Sun Yat-sen.


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