

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:10:03作者:百科


Annan, Kofi (Atta)

联合国第七任秘书长(1997年迄今),2001年与联合国共获诺贝尔和平奖。出生於迦纳,其父为芳蒂族(Fante people)的世袭酋长,曾任省督。安南曾就读於日内瓦的国际进修研究所和麻省理工学院。1962年担任日内瓦世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)的预算官员,开始了他在联合国的职业生涯。1993年擢升至维持和平任务的副秘书长,在副秘书长任内,於波士尼亚内战期间表现优异,尤其是在将维持和平任务从联合国部队手中移交至北大西洋公约组织部队手中一事上,处理得从容不迫。1996年12月当选为第一个来自非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的秘书长,受命改革联合国的官僚作风。他曾批评联合国对於避免或消减卢安达的种族屠杀(1994)表现不尽职,以及未能解决许多政府违反人权的问题。上任後的首要任务包括推行改革计画、努力恢复组织的信誉,以及加强与美国的关系。2001年连任为秘书长。


Annan, Kofi (Atta)

Seventh secretary-general of the United Nations (from 1997) who shared, with the U.N., the 2001 Nobel Prize for Peace. He was born in Ghana, the son of a provincial governor and hereditary paramount chief of the Fante people. He did graduate work at Geneva's Institute for Advanced International Studies and at MIT. He has spent almost his entire career within the U.N., beginning at the World Health Organization (1962). As undersecretary-general for peacekeeping (from 1993), he transferred peacekeeping operations in Bosnia from the U.N. to NATO. Elected in December1996, he became the first U.N. secretary-general from sub-Saharan Africa, with a mandate to reform the U.N. bureaucracy. He has criticized the U.N.'s failure to prevent or minimize genocide in Rwanda (1994) and unsettled many by declaring that the U.N. should address human-rights violations perpetrated by governments on their own people. His priorities have included a comprehensive program of reform, efforts to restore public confidence in the organization, and work to strengthen the U.N.'s activities for peace and development. Annan was appointed to a second term in 2001.
