

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:09:34作者:百科


D'Annunzio, Gabriele

义大利作家和军事英雄。曾担任记者,後来转向写诗和小说。其自传小说《纵情声色者》(The Child of Pleasure, 1898)塑造了邓南遮笔下第一个尼采式充满激情的超人主角;到他最出色的小说《死的胜利》(The Triumph of Death, 1894)问世时,他已是驰名作家。《阿尔奇恩尼》(Alcyone 1904)是他最伟大的诗作,而写得最成功的剧本是《约里奥的女儿》(The Daughter of Jorio, 1904)。作品特色是自我中心观点很强,文笔流畅而音韵铿锵,以及过分强调感官的欢娱。第一次世界大战爆发後,竭力敦促义大利参战。义大利宣战後,他亲自参战。1919年邓南遮率领支持者违反「凡尔赛和约」(Treaty of Versailles)的规定,占据了原本要并入南斯拉夫的阜姆(Fiume)港。他统治该城,犹如一独裁者。直至1920年义大利军队强迫他下台为止。後来成为热心的法西斯分子。他能言善辩,胆识过人,政治领导能力强,以及绯闻事件不断(特别是与女演员杜丝〔Eleonora Duse〕),在在使他成为当时最引人瞩目的人物。


D'Annunzio, Gabriele

Italian writer and military hero. He was a journalist before turning to poetry and fiction. His prodigious output includes The Child of Pleasure (1898), introducing the first of his many passionate Nietzschean-Superman heroes; The Triumph of Death (1894), his best-known novel; Alcyone (1904), considered his greatest poetic work; and the powerful play The Daughter of Jorio (1904). His works are marked by egocentrism, fluent and melodious style, and an overriding emphasis on sensual gratification. He urged Italy's entry into World War I, in which he distinguished himself militarily. In 1919 he set himself up as dictator of the port city Fiume in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles, and effectively secured it for Italy; he was forced to step down in 1920. He later became an ardent fascist. His eloquence, daring, political leadership, extravagant spending, and scandalous amours (especially with Eleonora Duse) made him one of the most striking personalities of his day.
