

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:06:56作者:百科


Bohr, Niels (Henrik David)

丹麦物理学家。曾在剑桥大学和曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)跟随汤姆生和拉塞福研究原子结构。他是首先认识到元素的原子序数重要性的学者之一,并设想任何原子只能具有一组离散的稳定(状)态或定态,每个稳定态的能量是一个定值。他也是第一个把量子理论应用到原子和分子结构上的人,他的原子核概念对理解核裂变的过程是关键的一步。1920~1962年担任哥本哈根大学新成立的理论物理研究所(Institute for Theoretical Physics)所长。1922年获得诺贝尔物理学奖,以表扬他在原子理论方面的工作。1939年出任皇家丹麦学院(Royal Danish Academy)的院长,直至去世。第二次世界大战期间虽对美国的原子弹研究有所贡献,但後来致力於限制核武的事业。1957年获得第一届美国「原子和平奖」(Atoms for Peace Award)。化学元素107号元素bohrium就是以他的名字命名。1975年他的儿子艾吉.波耳(Aage Niels Bohr, 1922~)与莫特森(Ben Mottelson, 1926~)和雷恩沃特(James Rainwater, 1917~1986)因致力於研究原子核而共获诺贝尔奖。


Bohr, Niels (Henrik David)

Danish physicist. He studied the structure of the atom with J. J. Thomson and Ernest Rutherford at the Univs. of Cambridge and Manchester. He was among the first to see the importance of an element's atomic number and postulated that any atom could exist only in a discrete set of states characterized by definite values of energy. He became the first to apply the quantum theory to atomic and molecular structure, and his concept of the atomic nucleus was a key step in understanding such processes as nuclear fission. From 1920 to 1962 he directed the newly created Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen. His work on atomic theory won him a Nobel Prize in 1922. He was president of the Royal Danish Academy from 1939 until his death. Though he contributed to atomic-bomb research in the U.S. during World War II, he later dedicated himself to the cause of arms control. He received the first U.S. Atoms for Peace Award in 1957. Element 107, bohrium, is named in his honor. His son Aage Niels Bohr (born 1922) shared the 1975 Nobel Prize with Ben Mottelson (born 1926) and James Rainwater (1917-1986) for their work on atomic nuclei.
