

更新时间:2023-02-02 18:04:29作者:百科


Malinowski, Bronislaw (Kasper)

波兰裔英国籍人类学家,通常被认为是英国现代以实地调查为基础的社会人类学奠基人。他主要从事大洋洲人类学的研究,并与功能主义思想学派有关联。在波兰获得哲学、物理和数学学位後,他偶然读了弗雷泽(J. G. Frazer)的《金枝》,从而开始在伦敦政治和经济学院学习人类学(1910~1916)。在超布连群岛开展研究期间,他同当地人一起居住在帐篷中(参阅Trobriander),流利地用当地土语交流,以「教科书」形式自由地将当时发生的事情和采访记录下来,并以的敏锐的眼光来观察各种反应。他能够提供一幅当地社会习俗的生动画面,而清楚地区别理想的规范与现实的行为,并由此为现代人类学的实地调查打下了基础。他後来在伦敦经济学院(1922~1983)和耶鲁大学(1938~1942)任教。他的作品包括《西太平洋上的淘金者》(1922)、《野蛮社会的罪恶和习俗》(1926)、《野蛮社会的性和压迫》(1927)以及《魔力、科学和宗教》(1948)。


Malinowski, Bronislaw (Kasper)

Polish-British anthropologist generally regarded as the founder of modern, fieldwork-based social anthropology in Britain. He is principally associated with studies of the peoples of Oceania and with the school of thought known as functionalism. After taking degrees in philosophy, physics, and mathematics in Poland, Malinowski happened upon James George Frazer's Golden Bough and came to study anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1910-16). Doing research in the Trobriand Islands, he lived in a tent among the people (see Trobrianders), spoke the vernacular fluently, recorded “texts” freely on the scene as well as in set interviews, and observed reactions with an acute clinical eye. He was thus able to present a dynamic picture of social institutions that clearly separated ideal norms from actual behavior, and in doing so laid much of the basis for modern anthropological field research. He taught at the London School of Economics (1922-38) and Yale University (1938-42). Among his works are Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922), Crime and Custom in Savage Society (1926), Sex and Repression in Savage Society (1927), and Magic, Science and Religion (1948).
