更新时间:2023-02-02 17:56:42作者:百科
一种治疗精神疾患的方法,强调探测潜意识心理过程。这个方法的根据,来自19世纪末20世纪初奥地利心理学家弗洛伊德提出的精神分析论。精神分析要求患者对某些事物自由联想(free association),并告诉治疗者他想到的任何事情。作梦和说溜嘴会被认为是窥探潜意识心理运作的钥匙。治疗的「工作」,就是要揭露存在於以下三者之间的紧张:本我(id)的本能性驱力、自我(ego)的知觉与行动以及超我(superego)道德感引发的抑压(censorship)。他们认为对儿童期经验必须谨慎处理(尤其是有关性方面的问题),因为一些记忆可能因为被当作罪恶或创伤而压抑下来;透过「回想」与「经验分析」的过程,被认为可以帮助患者免於因为压抑(repression)造成的焦虑及其他官能症,或是更严重的精神病(参阅neurosis、psychosis)。一些弗洛伊德早期的合作夥伴,着名的像是荣格(Carl Gustav Jung)和艾德勒(Alfred Adler),则对弗洛伊德的部分理论表示反对,并提出其他分析方法。另外还有多位重要的精神分析大师,例如艾利克森(Erik Erikson)、荷妮(Karen Horney)、佛洛姆(Erich Fromm)等人,基本上也是在弗洛伊德的理论架构上加入自己的修正。
English version:
Method of treating mental disorders that emphasizes the probing of unconscious mental processes. It is based on the psychoanalytic theory devised by Sigmund Freud in Vienna in the late 19th and early 20th century. It calls for patients to engage in free association of ideas, speaking to therapists about anything that comes to mind. Dreams and slips of the tongue are examined as a key to the workings of the unconscious mind, and the “work” of therapy is to uncover the tensions existing between the instinctual drive of the id, the perceptions and actions of the ego, and the censorship imposed by the morality of the superego. Careful attention is paid to early childhood experiences (especially those with a sexual dimension), the memory of which may have been repressed because of guilt or trauma; recalling and analyzing these experiences is thought to help free patients from the anxiety and neuroses caused by repression as well as from more serious illnesses known as psychoses (see neurosis, psychosis). Some of Freud's early associates, notably Carl Gustav Jung and Alfred Adler, rejected his theories on many points and devised alternative methods of analysis. Other important figures in psychoanalysis, including Erik Erikson, Karen Horney, and Erich Fromm, accepted the basic Freudian framework but contributed their own additions or modifications.