

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:48:18作者:百科


Bartók, Béla

匈牙利作曲家和民族音乐学家。自幼即习得出色的钢琴技巧。1904年开始研究匈牙利民间音乐,才发现一般认为是匈牙利作品的民间音乐实际上大部分出自住在城里的吉普赛人。他与高大宜一同从事的田野工作为後来所有的田野研究工作奠定了基础,他还出版了匈牙利、罗马尼亚和斯洛伐克等民间音乐的主要研究。巴尔托克还彻底地把民族乐题材和节奏融入自己的音乐作品,赋予其作品最有特色的一面。他也是个卓越的钢琴家,四处巡回表演。1940年迁居美国,但在这里并不十分获人肯定。作品包括歌剧《蓝胡子公爵的城堡》(1911),芭蕾舞剧《木头王子》(1923),六首有名的弦乐四重奏(1908~1939),一套钢琴教本《小宇宙钢琴集》(1926~1939),《为弦乐器、打击乐器和钢片琴而作的音乐》(1936),《管弦乐团协奏曲》(1943)、《为双钢琴和打击乐器而作的奏鸣曲》(1937),两首小提琴协奏曲(1908、1938),三首钢琴协奏曲(1926, 1931, 1945),以及一首中提琴协奏曲。他是匈牙利最伟大的作曲家,也是20世纪音乐巨匠之一。


Bartók, Béla

Hungarian composer and ethnomusicologist. He developed a superb piano technique at an early age. In 1904 he set about researching Hungarian folk music, having discovered that the folk-music repertory generally accepted as Hungarian was in fact largely urban Gypsy music. His fieldwork with Z. Kodaly formed the basis for all later research in the field, and he published major studies of Hungarian, Romanian, and Slovakian folk music. He worked folk themes and rhythms insistently into his own music, giving it its most characteristic aspect. He also toured widely as a virtuoso pianist. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1940, where he was inadequately recognized. His works include the opera Bluebeard's Castle (1911), the ballet The Miraculous Mandarin (1923), six celebrated string quartets (1908-39), the didactic piano set Mikrokosmos (1926-39), Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta (1936), Concerto for Orchestra (1943), Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion (1937), two violin concertos (1908, 1938), three piano concertos (1926, 1931, 1945), and a viola concerto (1945). The greatest composer Hungary ever produced, Bartók was one of the giants of 20th-century music.
