

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:40:47作者:百科


Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique

法国画家。来到巴黎後曾随大卫(J.-L. David)习画,後进入美术学院,并获得一等罗马奖。他的首批公共作品之一,肖像画《戴皇冠的拿破仑》(1806)被批评为生硬且仿古,但这是他有意创造出来的风格之一。在义大利期间(1806~1824)他因肖像画和历史画出名,他的小型肖像素描线条坚实明确。回到巴黎後,他以《路易十三世的宣誓》(1824)一画,终於受到评论界的赞美,并获得美术院的认可。1825年接替大卫成为法国新古典主义绘画的领导人,并成立画室,教授学生。该画室後来成为巴黎最大的画室,1840年代中期他是法国最重要的上流社会的肖像画家。他的晚期着名作品有女裸体画。他的众多学生中无人学到他的特质,但窦加(Edgar Degas)、雷诺瓦(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)、毕卡索等人的绘画发展似乎都有受到他的影响。


Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique

French painter. He studied with J.-L. David in Paris before attending the école des Beaux-Arts (1799-1801), where he won a Prix de Rome scholarship. Critics condemned one of his first public works, the awe-inspiring portrait Napoleon on His Imperial Throne (1806), as stiff and archaic, but its style was one he developed intentionally. In Italy (1806-24) he prospered with portraits and history paintings. His small-scale portrait drawings are meticulously rendered. Back in Paris he received critical acclaim at last and won admission to the Academy with The Vow of Louis XIII (1824). In 1825 he succeeded David as the leader of French Neoclassical painting and opened a teaching studio. It became one of the largest in Paris, and by the mid-1840s he was France's most sought-after society portraitist. Some of his most notable later works are female nudes. None of his many students attained distinction, but his influence is seen in the work of Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir, and Pablo Picasso.
