

更新时间:2023-02-02 15:54:02作者:百科


把整个社会组织成从属於国家的各种「社团」的理论和实践。按照这种理论,工人和雇主被组织到产业社团和职业社团中,这些社团作为政治代表机关,在很大程度上支配其管辖之内的人员和他们的活动。这种思想最早的理论阐述是在法国大革命以後,而在德国东部和奥地利最为突出,主要代言人是梅特涅公爵的宫廷哲学家米勒(A. Muller, 1779~1829),他勾勒出一个理想的「阶级国家」,这些阶级如同业公会或公司一样运作,每个公会或公司控制一种特定的社会生活。但这种理论一直到义大利墨索里尼夺取政权後,才付诸实现,他在第二次世界刚开始时实施这种主张,结果导致他垮台。1970年代以来,出现了一种新型的社团主义(即民主或新社团主义),它与一种利益代表制有关,国家要透过与工会、商业联盟的沟通来制定政策。


Theory and practice of organizing the whole of society into corporate entities subordinate to the state. According to the theory, employers and employees would be organized into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and largely controlling the people and activities within their jurisdiction. Its chief spokesman was Adam Müller (1779-1829), court philosopher to Klemens, Furst von Metternich, who conceived of a “class state” in which the classes operated as guilds, or corporations, each controlling a specific function of social life. This idea found favor in central Europe after the French Revolution, but was not put into practice until Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy; its implementation there had barely begun by the start of World War II, which resulted in his fall. Since the 1970s, a new variety of corporatism, democratic- or neo-corporatism, refers to a system of interest representation in which states negotiate policy with trade union and business confederations.
