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Italian Wars
为了取得义大利统治权的一系列战役。交战者主要是法国和西班牙,但欧洲各国几乎都卷入,战争结果使得西班牙哈布斯堡(Habsburgs)王朝取得义大利的统治权,并将势力由义大利移到西北欧和大西洋世界。战争起於1494年法国国王查理八世入侵义大利。查理八世攻下拿不勒斯,但却被麦西米利安一世、西班牙以及教宗的联军赶出义大利。1499年法王路易七世又入侵义大利,并攻下米兰、热那亚及拿不勒斯,但不久费迪南五世领导的西班牙军队就将路易七世逐出拿大勒斯,另外教宗朱利斯二世也在1508年组织坎布雷同盟(the League of Cambrai)攻下威尼斯,1511年又组神圣同盟(Holy League)将路易七世逐出米兰。但1515年法兰西一世又在马里纳诺战役大胜,法西双方才在1516年达成和平协议,法国拥有米兰,西班牙则得到那不勒斯。1521年查理五世和法兰西一世又起战端,法兰西一世遭掳,并被迫签下马德里合约(Treaty of Madrid,1526年),宣布放弃法国在义大利的所有权利;但法兰西一世获释之後即撕毁合约,并与英王享利八世、教宗克里蒙七世、及威尼斯和佛罗伦斯组成新联盟,不过查理五世则攻陷罗马并强迫教宗加盟,後来法兰西一世在1529年坎布雷条约(Treaty of Cambrai)宣布放弃在义大利的一切权利,直至1559年的卡多﹣冈布黑条约,战争才完全结束。
English version:
Italian Wars
Series of violent wars for control of Italy. Largely fought by France and Spain, but involving much of Europe, they resulted in Italy's domination by the Spanish Habsburgs and shifted power from Italy to northwestern Europe and its Atlantic world. The wars began with the invasion of Italy by the French king Charles VIII in 1494. He took Naples, but an alliance between Maximilian I, Spain, and the pope drove him out of Italy. In 1499 Louis XII invaded Italy and took Milan, Genoa, and Naples, but was driven out of Naples in 1503 by Spain under Ferdinand V. Pope Julius II organized the League of Cambrai (1508) to attack Venice, then organized the Holy League (1511) to drive Louis out of Milan. In 1515 Francis I was victorious at the battle of Marignano, and in 1516 a peace was concluded by which France held onto Milan and Spain kept Naples. Fighting began in 1521 between Emperor Charles V and Francis I. Francis was captured and forced to sign the Treaty of Madrid (1526), renouncing all claims in Italy, but once freed he repudiated the treaty and formed a new alliance with Henry VIII of England, Pope Clement VII, Venice, and Florence. Charles sacked Rome in 1527 and forced the pope to come to terms, and Francis gave up all claims to Italy in the Treaty of Cambrai (1529). By the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis (1559), the wars finally ended.