

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:30:07作者:百科


捕捉、贩卖、购买奴隶的行为。奴隶在全世界历史上存在已久,奴隶买卖也相当普遍。奴隶的来源主要来自几个人口密集区:自古代到19世纪的斯拉夫人(Slavs)及邻近的伊朗人(Iranians);基督教时代的撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲人(sub-Saharan Africans);维京人时代的日尔曼人(Germanic)、塞尔特人(Celtic)、罗曼语系人(Romance peoples)。奴隶买卖有复杂的交易网络:例如在9至10世纪,维京人会把东斯拉夫人卖给阿拉伯或犹太的中间交易商,交易商再把奴隶带到法国的凡尔登(Verdun)和里昂(Leon),然後可能就卖到摩尔人居住的西班牙地区(Moorish Spain)或是北非。这条跨越大西洋的奴隶买卖,应该当时最重要的路线。在非洲,人们会买卖妇女和儿童作为服劳役及协助传後代的奴隶,但不会买卖男人来当奴隶;西元1500年开始,男人开始被捕掳并带到海港卖给欧洲人,再转运到加勒比海或巴西,然後在拍卖会公开出售并被带到新大陆(New World)。到了17至18世纪,非洲奴隶多被卖到加勒比海地区采制糖蜜,这些糖蜜在美国殖民地制成兰姆酒後,则再销回非洲换取更多的奴隶。

slave trade

Capturing, selling, and buying of slaves. Slavery has existed throughout the world throughout history; trading in slaves has been equally universal. Slaves were taken from great population reservoirs: the Slavs and contiguous Iranians from antiquity to the 19th century, the sub-Saharan Africans during the Christian era, and the Germanic, Celtic, and Romance peoples during the Viking era. Elaborate trade networks developed: for example, in the 9th-10th century, Vikings might sell East Slavic slaves to Arab and Jewish traders, who would take them to Verdun and León, whence they might be sold throughout Moorish Spain and North Africa. The transatlantic slave trade is perhaps the best known. In Africa, women and children but not men were wanted as slaves for labor and for lineage incorporation; from c. 1500, captive men were taken to the coast and sold to Europeans. They were then transported to the Caribbean or Brazil, where they were sold at auction and taken throughout the New World. In the 17th-18th century, African slaves were traded in the Caribbean for molasses, which was made in the American colonies into rum and traded back to Africa for more slaves.
