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拉丁语作Carolus Magnus(即「查理大帝」之意)。
法兰克国王(768~814)和神圣罗马帝国皇帝(800~814)。为法兰克国王丕平三世的长子,他与弟弟卡洛曼一起统治法兰克王国,直到後者去世(771)为止。那时他成为法兰克人唯一的国王,为了征服邻近的王国并使之基督教化,开始一系列战争;他打败义大利北部的伦巴底人,并成为他们的国王(774)。西元778年远征西班牙的摩尔人虽失败,却成功并吞了巴伐利亚(788)。查理曼长年对萨克逊人用兵,终於在西元804年将之击败并使他们信奉基督。後来降服多瑙河的阿瓦尔人,进而控制许多斯拉夫国家。他把西欧几乎所有的基督教地区统合为一个大国家,仅不列颠群岛、义大利南部、西班牙部分地方例外。在帮助教宗利奥三世复位後,800年圣诞节他在罗马被加冕为皇帝,象徵神圣罗马帝国的开始。查理曼在亚琛建都,在那里建立辉煌的宫殿,并邀集许多学者及诗人;他还编订法律并推动文化复兴,称为加洛林文化复兴。参阅Carolingian dynasty。
English version:
King of the Franks (768-814) and Holy Roman Emperor (800-14). The elder son of the Frankish king Pepin III the Short, he ruled the Frankish kingdom jointly with his brother Carloman until the latter's death in 771. He then became sole king of the Franks, and began a series of campaigns to conquer and Christianize neighboring kingdoms, defeating and becoming king of the Lombards in northern Italy (774). His expedition against the Moors in Spain failed (778), but he successfully annexed Bavaria (788). Charlemagne fought against the Saxons for many years, finally defeating and Christianizing them in 804. He subdued the Avars of the Danube and gained control of many of the Slav states. With the exception of the British Isles, southern Italy, and part of Spain, he united in one vast state almost all the Christian lands of Western Europe. His coronation as emperor at Rome on Christmas Day, 800, after restoring Leo III to the papacy, marks the inception of the Holy Roman Empire. He established his capital at Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), where he built a magnificent palace and invited many scholars and poets; he codified the laws and promoted a cultural revival known as the Carolingian renaissance. See also Carolingian dynasty.