

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:27:00作者:百科


Kenyatta, Jomo

肯亚独立後的首任总理(1963~1964)和总统(1964~1978)。基库尤人後裔,1920年离开东非高地到奈洛比谋得公职,并成为政治活跃分子。他反对组成一个肯亚、乌干达和坦干伊克的英国殖民地联盟。1945年曾参与组织第六届泛非大会,当时参与的领袖人物还有杜博斯、恩克鲁玛(参阅Pan-African movement)。1953年因指挥「茅茅运动」而被判刑七年。1962年他参加了促使肯亚独立的立宪谈判。成为肯亚领袖後,他领导了一个强有力的中央政府,拒绝了财产国有化的主张,使肯亚成为非洲国家中最稳定的也是经济最有活力的国家之一。批评者则抱怨他操控了肯亚非洲民族联盟(KANU)和创造了一个掌控政治、经济的集团。他的继承者莫伊(Daniel arap Moi)继续奉行他的大部分政策。


Kenyatta, Jomo

First prime minister (1963-64) and then president (1964-78) of independent Kenya. Of Kikuyu descent, Kenyatta left the eastern African highlands to become a civil servant and political activist in Nairobi c. 1920. He opposed a union of the British colonial territories of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika. In 1945 he helped organize the sixth Pan-African Congress, attended by such figures as W. E. B. Du Bois and Kwame Nkrumah (see Pan-African movement). In 1953 he was sentenced to a seven-year prison term for directing the Mau Mau rebellion, though he denied the charges. In 1962 he negotiated the constitutional terms leading to Kenya's independence. As its leader he headed a strong central government, rejected calls to nationalize property, and made Kenya one of the most stable and economically dynamic African states. Critics complained of the dominance of his Kenya African National Union (KANU) party and the creation of a political and economic elite. Many of his policies were continued under his successor, Daniel arap Moi.
