

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:24:29作者:百科


由外力(包括手术)引起的身体组织破裂。它可能属於封闭性(钝器损伤)或开放性(穿通性损伤)。血管、神经、肌肉、骨骼、关节、体内器官可能受损。封闭性创伤可能由撞击、扭曲、弯折、减速(例如车祸)引起。其范围从小型挫伤或扭伤到大脑受损的头颅裂开或麻痹性脊椎伤害。在开放性创伤中,进入破损皮肤或黏膜的细菌、脏物、布屑等外物会导致感染。影响伤势的其他因素包括深度、表皮区域、撕裂程度和受损之结构。小伤仅需要急救。至於其他创伤,在检查和必需的诊断性显影和探索性手术之後,疗法可能包括替换或排放体液、灭菌和使用抗生素、修复受损的结构。封闭性创伤可能需要割开,开放性创伤也可能需要加以缝合。亦请参阅burn、coagulation、crush injury、dislocation、scar。


Break in any body tissue due to external action (including surgery). It may be closed (blunt trauma) or open (penetrating trauma). Blood vessels, nerves, muscles, bones, joints, and internal organs may be damaged. A closed wound can be caused by impact, twisting, bending, or deceleration (as in a car crash). It can range from a minor bruise or sprain to a skull fracture with brain damage or a spinal-cord injury with paralysis. In an open wound, foreign matter such as bacteria, dirt, and clothing fragments entering through broken skin or mucous membrane may result in infection. Other factors affecting severity include depth, surface area, degree of tearing, and structures damaged. Minor wounds need only first aid. For others, after examination and perhaps diagnostic imaging and exploratory surgery, treatment may include fluid replacement or drainage, sterilization and antibiotics, tetanus antitoxin, and repair of damaged structures. A closed wound may need to be opened or an open one sutured closed. See also burn, coagulation, crush injury, dislocation, scar.


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