

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:24:05作者:百科


全名Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.

美国企业和电影制片厂。1920年电影院老板与发行人洛伊(M. Loew)买进米特罗影片公司,该企业即告成立,1924年与高德温制片公司合并,1925年加进梅耶影片公司。梅耶担任行政主管达二十五年之久,聘有制片经理索尔伯格协助他。1930年代和1940年代为其颠峰时期,旗下几乎签了所有好莱坞的银幕红星。所拍摄的热门影片包括《大饭店》(1932)、《大地》(1937)、《费城故事》(1940)、《煤气灯下》(1944)、《柏油森林》(1950)、《宾汉》(1926~1927,1959)、《齐瓦哥医生》(1965)、《2001太空漫游》(1968)等。米高梅公司尤以拍摄豪华大场面的音乐歌舞片着称,包括《绿野仙踪》(1939)、《复活节游行》(1948)、《锦城春色》(1949)、《花都舞影》(1951)、《万花嬉春》(1952)、《金粉世界》(1958)。1950年代公司开始走下坡,1970年代卖掉许多资产,并开始兼营旅馆和赌场等多角化经营,後来并入联美公司,改称MGM/UA Entertainment。1986年为特纳所收购,他再卖掉一些制片和发片单位。由於各种股权的交易转让导致1992年被里昂信贷银行收购,它恢复了米高梅影片公司原名。後来又卖给了特瑞新达企业(Tracinda Corp.)。


U.S. corporation and film studio. It was formed when the film distributor Marcus Loew, who bought Metro Pictures in 1920, merged it with the Goldwyn production company in 1924 and with Louis B. Mayer Pictures in 1925. Louis B. Mayer was executive head of the studio for 25 years, assisted by production manager Irving Thalberg. It reached its peak in the 1930s and '40s, when it had most of Hollywood's famous stars under contract. It produced such hits as Grand Hotel (1932), The Good Earth (1937), The Philadelphia Story (1940), Gaslight (1944), The Asphalt Jungle (1950), Ben-Hur (1959), Doctor Zhivago (1965), and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). It was especially celebrated for its lavish musicals, including The Wizard of Oz (1939), Easter Parade (1948), On the Town (1949), An American in Paris (1951), Singin' in the Rain (1952), and Gigi (1958). MGM began to decline in the 1950s and sold off many of its assets in the 1970s. It diversified into hotels and casinos and later merged with United Artists Corp. as MGM/UA Entertainment. In 1986 it was bought by Ted Turner, who resold the production and distribution units. Various transfers of ownership led to its purchase in 1992 by Crédit Lyonnais, which restored the name MGM Inc. It was subsequently bought by Tracinda Corp.
