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德国社会民主党(Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD))
德国政党。成立於1875年,初名社会工人党,1890年改现名。为德国历史最长、成员最多的单一政党。第一次世界大战前该党的影响日益扩大,但第一次世界大战中该党分裂,中间派由考茨基(K. Kautsky)领导,成立独立社会民主党;左派由卢森堡(R. Luxemburg)和李卜克内西(K. Liebknecht)率领,组成斯巴达克思同盟;以艾伯特(F. Ebert)为首的右翼则参与镇压1918年在德国发生的苏维埃式起义,并在1919年的选举中赢得37%的选票。德国政府接受凡尔赛和约以及国内严重的经济问题,导致该党在1920年代的支持率下降。1933年被纳粹取缔,第二次世界大战後在西德重建并迅速发展,1972年夺得几近46%的选票。该党先後与基督教民主联盟(1966~1969)及自由民主党(1969~1982)组成联合政府,1990年与新近获得独立的前东德社会民主党合并。
English version:
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
German political party. Formed in 1875 as the Socialist Workers' Party and renamed in 1890, it is Germany's oldest and largest single party. Its influence grew until World War I, when centrists led by Karl Kautsky formed the Independent Social Democrats and leftists led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht formed the Spartacists. Its right wing under Friedrich Ebert helped crush the Soviet-style uprisings in Germany in 1918 and won 37% of the vote in the 1919 elections. The government's acceptance of the Treaty of Versailles and Germany's severe economic problems caused a drop in support in the 1920s. Outlawed by the Nazis in 1933, the party revived after World War II in West Germany and grew steadily, receiving almost 46% of the vote in the 1972 elections. It formed coalition governments with the Christian Democratic Union (1966-69) and the Free Democratic Party (1969-82). In 1990 it reunited with a newly independent SPD from the former East Germany.