

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:11:24作者:百科


发生於学校或类似学校环境中(正式教育)或大千世界里的学习,以传承社会的价值观与所累积的知识。原始文化中鲜少有正式教育,儿童从他们的环境和活动中学习,而他们身边的成人则扮演着教师的角色。在比较复杂的社会中,有较多知识必须传递下去,需要比较精致而足够的传承方式--学校和教师。正式教育的内容、持续性和受教者,随着文化和时代而有巨大的差异,因此产生所谓教育哲学(philosophy of education)。有些哲学家,例如洛克(John Locke),把个人视为一张白纸,可在其上书写知识;另一些哲学家,例如卢梭(J.-J. Rousseau),则把人性天赋状态视为本身可取,所以尽量不加以干预,这个观点常被非正统教育(alternative education)采用。亦请参阅behaviourism、Dewey, John、elementary education、higher education、kindergarten、lyceum movement、progressive education、public school、special education、teaching。


Learning that takes place in schools or schoollike environments (formal education) or in the world at large; the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a society. In primitive cultures there is often little formal education; children learn from their environment and activities, and the adults around them act as teachers. In more complex societies, where there is more knowledge to be passed on, a more selective and efficient means of transmission—the school and teacher—becomes necessary. The content of formal education, its duration, and who receives it have varied widely from culture to culture and age to age, as has the philosophy of education. Some philosophers (e.g., John Locke) have seen individuals as blank slates onto which knowledge can be written; others (e.g., J.-J. Rousseau) have seen the innate human state as desirable in itself and therefore to be tampered with as little as possible, a view often taken in alternative education. See also behaviorism, John Dewey, elementary education, higher education, kindergarten, lyceum movement, progressive education, public school, special education, teaching.


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