

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:11:05作者:百科


使用人口最多的语系,用於欧洲大部分地区、欧洲拓殖区以及亚洲南部和西南部许多地区。源於没有记录的单一语言,据信使用於超过5,000年前的黑海北部乾草原区,而到西元前3000年已经分裂为若干方言。这些语言被迁徙的部族带至欧洲和亚洲,逐渐发展为分立的语言。主要的分支有安纳托利亚诸语言、印度-伊朗语支(包括印度-雅利安诸语言和伊朗诸语言)、希腊语、义大利诸语言、日耳曼诸语言、亚美尼亚语、塞尔特诸语言、阿尔巴尼亚语、已灭绝的土火罗语、波罗的诸语言、斯拉夫诸语言。关於印欧诸语言的研究始於1786年琼斯(W. Jones)爵士的论点,他指出希腊语、拉丁语、梵语、日耳曼语、塞尔特语都可追溯到一个「共同的来源」,而语言学家在印欧语系中加入其他语言,拉斯克(R. Rask)等学者则建立了语音的对照体系。原印欧诸语言一直经由後裔同一根源的认同和共有语法模式的分析而部分重建起来。

Indo-European languages

Family of languages with the greatest number of speakers, spoken in most of Europe and areas of European settlement and in much of southwestern and southern Asia. They are descended from a single unrecorded language believed to have been spoken more than 5,000 years ago in the steppe regions north of the Black Sea and to have split into a number of dialects by 3000 BC. Carried by migrating tribes to Europe and Asia, these developed over time into separate languages. The main branches are Anatolian, Indo-Iranian (including Indo-Aryan and Iranian), Greek, Italic, Germanic, Armenian, Celtic, Albanian, the extinct Tocharian languages, Baltic, and Slavic. The study of Indo-European began in 1786 with Sir William Jones's proposal that Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Germanic, and Celtic were all derived from a “common source.” In the 19th century, linguists added other languages to the Indo-European family, and scholars such as Rasmus Rask established a system of sound correspondences. Proto-Indo-European has since been partially reconstructed via identification of roots common to its descendants and analysis of shared grammatical patterns.
