

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:10:51作者:百科


Allen, Woody,原名Allen Stewart Konigeberg。

美国电影导演、编剧和演员。伍迪艾伦喜剧中的笑料,大多来源於他布鲁克林的犹太中产阶级家庭背景和习惯性的神经质。在厌倦於替夜总会撰写喜剧和表演剧本之後,开始替百老汇写剧本,其第一部剧作《不要喝水》(Don't Drink the water)於1966年在百老汇上演。《风流绅士》(What's New, Pussycat, 1965)是他拍的第一部电影,後来陆续拍摄《傻瓜入狱记》(Take the Moneyand Run, 1969)、《香蕉》(Bananas, 1971)和《傻瓜大闹科学城》(Sleeper, 1973),把卖弄知识和低俗闹剧结合为一种风格,主要受马克斯兄弟(Marx Brothers)的影响。後来的浪漫喜剧如《安妮.霍尔》(Annie Hall, 1977),为他赢得三座奥斯卡奖(Academy Award),《曼哈顿》(Manhattan, 1979)则是纽约生活的甘苦谈。其他影片包括《变色龙》(Zelig, 1983)、《汉娜姐妹》(Hannah and Her Sisters, 1986,获奥斯卡奖)、《罪与愆》(Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1989)、《百老汇上空子弹》(Bullets over Broadway, 1994)、《甜蜜与卑微》(Sweet and Lowdown, 1999)。


Allen, Woody

U.S. film director, screenwriter, and actor. His middle-class Jewish family in Brooklyn and his chronic neuroticism became the source of much of his comic material. After writing routines for comedians and performing as a nightclub comic, he wrote the Broadway play Don't Drink the Water (1966). His first film, What's New, Pussycat? (1965), was followed by Take the Money and Run (1969), Bananas (1971), and Sleeper (1973), combining highbrow comedy and slapstick in a style influenced by the Marx Brothers. Later romantic comedies such as Annie Hall (1977), which won him three Academy Awards, and Manhattan (1979) offered a bittersweet view of New York life. His other films include Zelig (1983), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986, Academy Award), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), Bullets over Broadway (1994), and Sweet and Lowdown (1999).
