

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:08:21作者:百科


Mantegna, Andrea

义大利画家。原是木工之子,被曾是裁缝的画家斯夸尔乔内(F. Squarcione)收养,是後来控诉他剥削的学生之一。十七岁左右在帕多瓦开设作坊,接下一件祭坛画的重要任务,该作品现已失传。他在帕多瓦的埃雷米塔尼(Eremitani)教堂留下的壁画(1448~1457),以其纪念碑式的造型和对古典建筑细节的关注,表明他精通透视学,并且成功的营造出魔幻的效果。最具代表性的作品是位於曼图亚的贡札加王朝的都卡莱宫(Palazzo Ducale)的壁画《婚礼厅》,该作品使一个小小的内室变成具有开放式阁楼的空间效果。1453年与贝利尼家族的女儿结婚,但没有加入贝利尼工作室,後来成为卢多维科.贡札加(Ludovico Gonzaga)侯爵的宫廷画师。他对古典遗产的人文主义式探讨和空间幻景的艺术手法,对後世有深远影响。


Mantegna, Andrea

Italian painter. The son of a woodworker, he was adopted by Francesco Squarcione, a tailor-turned-painter; Mantegna was one of several pupils who later sued him for exploitation. At about 17 he established his own workshop and received an important commission for an altarpiece, now lost. His frescoes in Padua's Eremitani Church (1448-57), with their monumental figures and detailed treatment of classical architecture, show that he had fully mastered perspective and foreshortening and was successfully experimenting with illusionistic effects, best seen in his frescoes of the Gonzaga family (completed 1474) in the Palazzo Ducale's Camera degli Sposi (Bridal Chamber) in Mantua, which transform the small interior room into an open-air pavilion. He married Bellini family's daughter in 1453, but did not join Bellini's studio. He later became court painter to Ludovico Gonzaga. His humanistic approach to antiquity and his spatial illusionism were to have far-reaching influence.
