

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:06:15作者:百科


一种政治哲学及政治运动,出现於第二次世界大战之後,并如早期法西斯主义一般,宣扬极端的国族主义(nationalism)和威权主义(authoritarianism),反对启蒙传统的自由个人主义(liberal individualism of the Enlightenment),攻击马克思主义及其他左倾的意识形态,陷溺於种族主义之中,并将仇恨外发泄於外国人身上,自居传统国族文化及宗教的护卫者,颂扬暴力、支持民粹式的右派经济方案。早期法西斯主义仇视左派及犹太人,新法西斯主义主要的仇视对象则是国内的非欧洲移民。他们并不特意强调透过武力征服来获取生存空间(lebensraum),而是努力提出具体计画将自己描绘为民主、主流的形象。在欧洲各国的主要政治团体当中,被认为是新法西斯主义者如下:在义大利,有费尼(Gianfranco Fini)所领导国家联盟(National Alliance,原名「义大利社会运动」〔Italian Social Movement〕);在德国,有前武装亲卫队(Waffen-SS)队员萧恩柏(Franz Schonhuber)领导的共和党(Republicans);在法国,有勒班(Jean-Marie Le Pen)领导的民族阵线(National Front);在俄国,有季里诺夫斯基(Vladimir Zhirinovsky)领导的自由民主党(Liberal-Democratic Party),舍舍利(Vojislav Seselj)领导的塞尔维亚激进党(Serbian Radical Party),帕拉加(Dobroslav Paraga)领导的克罗埃西亚权利党(Croatian Party of Rights)。在欧洲以外的新法西斯主义者,则有阿根廷的裴伦(Juan Peron)政权(统治年代1946~1955及1973~1974年);南非的白人劳工党(White Workers Party,原名南非非犹太裔民族社会主义运动South African Gentile National Socialist Movement);以及叙利亚的格达费(Muammar al-Qaddafi)政权及伊拉克的海珊(Saddam Hussein)政权。


political philosophy and movement that arose in the post-World War II era and, like earlier fascist movements, advocated extreme nationalism and authoritarianism, opposed the liberal individualism of the Enlightenment, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, posed as a protector of traditional national culture and religion, glorified violence, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike earlier fascists, however, neofascists placed more blame for their countries' problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews, displayed little interest in taking lebensraum (German: "living space") through the military conquest of other states, and made concerted efforts to portray themselves as democratic and "mainstream". Among European movements and parties considered by many to be neofascist: in Italy, the National Alliance (formerly the Italian Social Movement), led by Gianfranco Fini; in Germany, the Republicans, led by former Waffen-SS member Franz Sch?nhuber; in France, the National Front, led by Jean-Marie Le Pen; in Russia, the Liberal-Democratic Party, led by Vladimir Zhirinovsky; the Serbian Radical Party, led by Vojislav Seselj; and the Croatian Party of Rights, led by Dobroslav Paraga. Neofascist organizations outside Europe include the regime of Juan Perón in Argentina (1946-55; 1973-74); the White Workers Party (formerly the South African Gentile National Socialist Movement) in South Africa; and the regimes of Muammar al-Qaddafi in Libya and Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
