

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:06:07作者:百科



production management

Planning and control of industrial production processes to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Production-management techniques are used in service industries as well as manufacturing. Production-management responsibilities include the traditional “five M's”: men (and women), machines, methods, materials, and money. Managers are expected to maintain a flexible production process with a workforce that can readily adapt to new equipment and schedules. They may use industrial-engineering methods, such as time-study measurements, to design efficient work methods. They are responsible for managing both physical (raw) materials and information materials (paperwork). Of their duties involving money, inventory control is the most important. They must track component parts, work in process, finished goods, packaging materials, and general supplies. The production cycle requires that sales, financial, engineering, and planning departments exchange information—such as sales forecasts, inventory levels, and budgets—until detailed production orders are dispatched by a production-control division. Managers must also monitor operations to ensure that they produce at planned output levels while meeting cost and quality objectives.


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