更新时间:2023-02-02 17:02:46作者:百科
基督教三大分支之一,起源於16世纪的宗教改革运动。此词指的是不遵从天主教或东正教的基督教徒的信仰。在宗教改革运动中发展出了很多新教派别。马丁.路德的追随者建立了德国和斯堪的那维亚半岛的福音派教会;喀尔文的追随者和更加激进的改革者,如茨温利,则在瑞士和苏格兰(长老宗)等别的一些国家建立了归正宗。新教的另一个重要分支(由英国圣公会和美国圣公会代表)源自16世纪的英国,是现在在神学和崇拜上最接近天主教的新教分支。不同的新教教会在教义上的区别也很大,但都强调圣经至高无上的地位,看重信仰和秩序、因信称义而不是透过工作来判断人的善行,以及所有信徒的祭司职分。亦请参阅Adventist、Baptist、Friends, Society of、Mennonite、Methodism。
English version:
One of the three major branches of Christianity, originating in the 16th-century Reformation. The term applies to the beliefs of Christians who do not adhere to Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. A variety of Protestant denominations grew out of the Reformation. The followers of Martin Luther established the evangelical churches of Germany and Scandinavia; those of John Calvin and more radical reformers such as Huldrych Zwingli founded Reformed churches in other countries such as Switzerland and Scotland (Presbyterianism). Another important branch of Protestantism, represented by the Church of England and Episcopal Church, had its origins in 16th-century England and is now the Protestant denomination closest to Roman Catholicism in theology and worship. The doctrines of the various Protestant denominations vary considerably, but all emphasize the supremacy of the Bible in matters of faith and order, justification by grace through faith and not through works, and the priesthood of all believers. See also Adventist, Baptist, Society of Friends, Mennonite, Methodism.