

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:57:43作者:百科


或作通古斯语系(Tungusic languages)

约有十个阿尔泰诸语言的语族,使用此语系的人口少於五万五千人,此语族人口主要居住在西伯利亚、蒙古、和中国北方。所有该语系语言的人口近一百年来逐渐减少,原因是使用此语系的人转而使用其周围族群的语言--俄罗斯语、西伯利亚的雅库特语,以及中国话、突厥语和中国境内的蒙古语等。「埃文基次语族」(Evenki)在西伯利亚和中国东北约有一万人。在西伯利亚东北和堪察加半岛的使用人口甚至少於六千人。接近阿穆尔河下游的地方,使用「那乃次语族」(Nanai)的人口少於七千人。女真语为金朝创建者的部落语言,现已失传,另外,虽然中国东北有近一千万居民认为他们自己为满州人,但使用满州语的人口也已经少於一百人。实际上满州方言之一为「锡伯语」(Xibe, Xibo, Shibe),约有一万名於十八世纪驻防在军事前哨站驻防的满州士兵後裔使用。

Manchu-Tungus languages

Family of about 10 Altaic languages spoken by fewer than 55,000 people in Siberia, Mongolia, and northern China. All the languages have been losing ground for centuries as their speakers switch to the languages of surrounding populations-Russian and Yakut in Siberia, and Chinese, Turkic, and Mongolian languages in China. Evenki has about 10,000 speakers in Siberia and far northeastern China. Even has fewer than 6,000 speakers in northeastern Siberia and the Kamchatka Peninsula. Nanai has fewer than 7,000 speakers near the lower Amur River. Juchen, the tribal language of the founders of the Juchen dynasty, is now extinct, and Manchu is spoken by fewer than 100 people, though close to 10 million inhabitants of northeastern China count themselves as ethnically Manchu. Effectively a dialect of Manchu is Xibe (Xibo, Shibe), spoken by 10,000 descendants of Manchu-speaking soldiers garrisoned at 18th-century military outposts.
