

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:55:02作者:百科


用以支付使用信用或货币的价格。通常是一笔借贷金额的某个百分比(persentage),并且是由电脑依期限自动计算。利息是由贷方向借方收取,作为某段时间不能使用该笔金钱的损失。利率反映借贷的风险,高利率代表高风险,这即是一般常说的「风险/归还」取舍关系。就像支付财货或服务的代价,利率也是「供给/需求」的反映。学者解释利息需求的理论,包括「时间偏好论」(time-preference theory),认为利息是消费某段时间以获得更高生产力的诱因;另一种是凯因斯提出的「流动性偏好论」(liquidity-preference theory),认为利息是牺牲某种流动性而换取不能流动之契约义务的诱因。利率可以用作金融政策的工具(参考贴现率discount rate)。高利率对消费者、商业、房贷户都不利,因而减缓经济活络,而低利率则可刺激经济、鼓励投资及消费。


Price paid for the use of credit or money. It is usually figured as a percentage of the money borrowed and is computed annually. Interest is charged by the lender as payment for the loss of his or her money for a period of time. The interest rate reflects the risk of lending and is higher for loans that are considered higher-risk, a relationship known as the risk/return tradeoff. Like the prices of goods and services, interest rates are responsive to supply and demand. Theories explaining the need for interest include the time-preference theory, according to which interest is the inducement to engage in time-consuming but more productive activities, and the liquidity-preference theory of John Maynard Keynes, according to which interest is the inducement to sacrifice a desired degree of liquidity for a nonliquid contractual obligation. Interest rates may also be used as a tool for implementing monetary policy (see discount rate). High interest rates may dampen the economy by making it difficult for consumers, businesses, and home buyers to secure loans, while lower rates tend to stimulate the economy and encourage both investment and consumption.


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