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Taft, William Howard
美国第二十七届总统(1909~1913)。曾供职於州最高法院(1887~1890),任美国司法部副部长(1890~1892年)及美国第六巡回上诉法院法官(1892~1900)。被任命为菲律宾委员会会长,到菲律宾组织文官政府,并成为第一任总督。1904~1908年任罗斯福内阁的陆军部长,罗斯福在1908年时支援了塔虎脱竞选总统。他赢得了选举但却与保守的共和党联合,导致了与党内改革派的不和。1912年他再度被提名,但与罗斯福与公麋党(Bull Moose Party)的分裂使得威尔逊最终当选。他後来在耶鲁大学教授法学(1913~1921年),1918年任职於美国战时劳工委员会,是国际联盟的支持者。作为美国最高法院的首席法官(1921~1930),他引入了改革使其运作更有效率。他确保了1925年「法官法」的通过,这一法案使得法院有更广的许可权决定是否接受案件。在「迈尔兹诉合众国案」(1926)中他表明支援总统撤换联邦官员的权力,这一表态作用重大。鉴於健康状态不佳,他於1930年辞职。
English version:
Taft, William Howard
27th president of the U.S. (1909-13). Born in Cincinnati, he served on the state superior court (1887-90), as U.S. solicitor general (1890-92), and as U.S. appellate judge (1892-1900). He was appointed head of the Philippine Commission to set up a civilian government in the islands and was its first civilian governor (1901-4). He served as U.S. secretary of war (1904-8) under Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, who supported Taft's nomination for president in 1908. He won the election but became allied with the conservative Republicans, causing a rift with party progressives. He was again the nominee in 1912, but the split with Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party resulted in the electoral victory of Woodrow Wilson. Taft later taught law at Yale University (1913-21), served on the National War Labor Board (1918), and was a supporter of the League of Nations. As chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1921-30), he introduced reforms that made it more efficient. He secured passage of the Judges Act of 1925, which gave the Court wider discretion in accepting cases. His important opinion in Myers vs. U.S. (1926) upheld the president's authority to remove federal officials. In poor health, he resigned in 1930.