更新时间:2023-02-02 16:52:20作者:百科
一种经济理论,也是一种政策,盛行於十六世纪到十八世纪的欧洲,要求政府对国家经济必须实施管制,以使国力增强而挫败对手国。虽然这样的理论在更早之前即已存在,但重商主义这个词汇则是到十八世纪才创造出来,并因为亚当.斯密(Adam Smith)在1776年的着作《国富论》(Wealth of Nations)中使用而广为流传。重商主义强调以持有金、银作为国家财富与权力的指标,因此也导致各国在设计政策时,为了拥有贵金属,都会致力於贸易顺差(参阅balance of trade),意即贸易的输出额超过输入额,如果一个国家没有矿产或无法取得矿产,这种作法就更加重要。在贸易顺差的情况下,要支付财货及服务的费用,就必须使用金或银。至於殖民地的所有物,则是作为输出的市场或是作为母国加工的原料之用,因此在欧洲母国和殖民地之间就产生政策的冲突;例如当年被英国殖民的美国,因为对母国的怨恨不断扩展,终於导致美国独立革命(American Revolution)。重商主义偏好大量的人口,以保证劳动力、购买者及贩售者的供应量充足。他们强调勤俭和储蓄(saving)是美德,因为他们使得资本(capital)的创造成为可能。重商主义提供了资本主义早期发展的有利气氛,但是後来则受到严厉批判,尤其是来自「自由放任」(laissez-faire)主义的批判,他们主张所有的交易都是有利的,而政府过度控制则是反生产的。
English version:
Economic theory and policy influential in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century, calling for government regulation of a nation's economy in order to increase its power at the expense of rival nations. Though the theory existed earlier, the term was not coined until the 18th century; it was given currency by Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations (1776). Mercantilism's emphasis on the importance of gold and silver holdings as a sign of a nation's wealth and power led to policies designed to obtain precious metals through trade by ensuring “favorable” trade balances (see balance of trade), meaning an excess of imports over exports, especially if a nation did not possess mines or have access to them. In a favorable trade balance, payments for the goods or services had to be made with gold or silver. Colonial possessions were to serve as markets for exports and as suppliers of raw materials to the mother country, a policy that created conflict between the European colonial powers and their colonies, in particular fanning resentment of Britain in the American colonies and helping bring about the American Revolution. Mercantilism favored a large population to supply laborers, purchasers of goods, and soldiers. Thrift and saving were emphasized as virtues because they made possible the creation of capital. Mercantilism provided a favorable climate for the early development of capitalism, but was later severely criticized, especially by advocates of laissez-faire, who argued that all trade was beneficial and that strict government controls were counterproductive.