

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:47:22作者:百科



俄罗斯航太公司,重要的太空船、火箭和飞弹生产者。恩纳吉亚公司创始於1946年,是苏维埃研究所的一个部门,掌理长程飞弹工作。十年之後,在科罗寥夫领导下,变成独立设计处OKB-1。在1950年代研发出R-7(SS-6),世界第一枚洲际弹道飞弹,修改过的R-7将第一颗人造卫星送上轨道(参阅Sputnik)。苏联早期在「太空竞赛」(space race)的领先局面要归功於OKB-1,不过想要超越美国载人登月的秘密计画失败。1974年非营利组织恩纳吉亚(NPO Energia)集团以OKB-1为核心成立。公司的重点在於研发与运作太空站(参阅Salyut、Mir)。1990年代早期,恩纳吉亚公司变成国际太空站俄罗斯部门(该公司供应太空站的「星」〔Zvezda〕居住与控制舱)主要承包单位,但是後来比重逐渐减小。1994年改名为RKK Energia,部分私有化。苏联1991年解体之後,恩纳吉亚公司参与多国卫星发射部门,提供布洛克DM上节火箭,将酬载推进到地球同步轨道。


formerlyOKB-1Russian aerospace company that is a major producer of spacecraft, rockets, and missiles. Energia originated in 1946 as a department within a Soviet institute conducting work on long-range missiles. Ten years later, under Sergey Korolyov, it became the independent design bureau OKB-1. In the 1950s it developed the R-7 (SS-6), the world's first inter-continental ballistic missile; a modified R-7 placed the first artificial satellite into orbit (see Sputnik). OKB-1 was responsible for the U.S.S.R.'s commanding early lead in the "space race," although it failed in its secret project to beat the U.S. to a manned Moon landing. In 1974 the conglomerate NPO Energia was created with OKB-1 at its center. A main focus for the company was the development and operation of space stations (see Salyut, Mir). In the early 1990s Energia became the main contractor for the Russian portion of the International Space Station (it provided the station's Zvezda habitat and control module), but its role was later reduced. In 1994 it was renamed RKK Energia and partially privatized. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Energia partnered with multinational satellite launching services, to which it provided its Block DM upper stage for boosting payloads to geostationary orbit.
