更新时间:2023-02-02 16:47:12作者:百科
格列高利圣咏(Gregorian chant)
天主教会的礼拜音乐,包含与拉丁词语齐唱的无伴奏旋律。为纪念教宗圣格列高利一世而命名,他对圣咏的搜集与编纂有所贡献,也是传统上直接从圣灵接获所有旋律的代表人物。在中世纪五部拉丁礼拜音乐中,它是支配性的曲目,而其名常用来涵盖全部。显然,它主要源於犹太吟咏,还有来自东正教会(参阅Byzantine chant)和其他地方的其他元素。传统上,圣咏一直用在弥撒和圣祷(传统上修道院中每日举行的八次祈祷)的时候。其文字主要来自《圣经》的赞美诗、韵文圣歌,还有弥撒、圣祷中特有的文字。旋律被视为隶属於八大教会调式。圣咏节奏没有严格的音步,而其谱号并不标出节奏。自第二次梵谛冈会议以来,圣咏的演出已经大大衰微。亦请参阅cantus firmus。
English version:
Gregorian chant
Liturgical music of the Roman Catholic church consisting of unaccompanied melody sung in unison to Latin words. It is named for Pope Gregory I the Great, who may have contributed to its collection and codification, and who was traditionally represented as having received all the melodies directly from the Holy Spirit. Of the five bodies of medieval Latin liturgical music, it is the dominant repertoire, and the name is often used broadly to include them all. It apparently derived principally from Jewish cantillation, with other elements entering from the Eastern Church (see Byzantine chant) and elsewhere. Chant has traditionally been performed at the mass and the canonical hours (the eight prayer services traditionally held daily in monasteries). Its texts come primarily from the biblical psalms, metrical hymns, and texts specific to the mass and the hours. The melodies are classified as belonging to one or another of the eight church modes. Chant rhythm is not strictly metrical, and its notation does not indicate rhythm. Since the Second Vatican Council, the performance of chant has diminished greatly. See also cantus firmus.