更新时间:2023-02-02 16:47:08作者:百科
全名智力商数(intelligence quotient)
一组测量「相对智力」(relative intelligence)所得到的数字,分数高低是根据受测者回答一系列测验题的能力而判定。IQ的最原初测量方法,是将受测者的心智年龄与实际(生理)年龄计算成比值,再乘上100;但因心智年龄的概念,在应用上经常出现不连续性,因此後来的IQ就改采统计分配的概念来推估将测量分数。最广为使用的是「史丹佛-比奈测验」(1916,Stanford-Binet test),原始设计是用於测量儿童智力;另一个常用的是「魏氏测验」(1939,Wechsler test),原始设计虽为测量成人智力,但後来也被用於儿童测验。一般商数得分在130以上,会被判读为「天赋优良」的呈现,得分若在70以下,则会被判读为「心智缺损」(mental impairment)或「心智障碍」(mental retardation)的呈现。智力测验的作法具有高度争议性,尤其是有关什麽样的能力才算智力?智力商数能否适切反映这种能力?另外,在测验题目的建构和标准化程序下,文化和阶级的偏误也是一大问题。
English version:
Number intended to represent a measure of relative intelligence as determined by the subject's responses to a series of test problems. The IQ was originally computed as the ratio of a person's mental age to his or her chronological (physical) age, multiplied by 100, but use of the concept of mental age has been largely discontinued, and IQ is now generally assessed on the basis of the statistical distribution of scores. The most widely used intelligence tests are the Stanford-Binet test (1916), for children, and the Wechsler test (1939), originally for adults but now also for children. A score above 130 is considered to reflect “giftedness,” while a score below 70 is considered to reflect mental impairment or mental retardation. Intelligence tests have provoked great controversy, particularly about what kinds of mental ability constitute intelligence and whether IQ adequately represents these abilities, and about cultural and class bias in test construction and standardization procedures.