更新时间:2023-02-02 15:54:02作者:百科
对既有的知识、技术、习惯或性向,透过经验、实践或练习而取得修正的过程。学习包括结合过程(参阅association、conditioning)、感觉基料判别(discrimination of sense-data)、精神与感官学习(psychomotor and perceptual learning)(参阅perception)、模仿、概念形成、问题解决、内在学习等。动物的学习是由动物行为学家和比较心理学家在研究,比较心理学家多认为人类的学习与动物的学习是完全不同的平行线(参阅comparative psychology)。俄国的帕夫洛夫(Ivan Pavlov)及美国的桑代克(Edward L. Thorndike)是最早对结合学习行为进行实验的心理学家。对这种早期「剌激﹣反射」理论(stimulus-response,S-R)的批评者,例如托曼(Edward C. Tolman),则指责剌激反射论者化约并且忽略了主体的内在行为;完形心理学(Gestalt-psychology)研究者则较注重知觉与学习的类型及形态之重要性;至於结构语言学则认为语言的学习是立基於一种发生学式习来的「文法」(grammar);而发展心理学家,例如皮亚杰(Jean Piaget),则强调学习的成长阶段。近年来,认知科学则揭示学习是一种资讯处理(information processing)的形式,然而研究人脑的科学家,例如艾德曼(Gerald Maurice Edelman),则认为思考与学习是大脑路径持续建立的过程。相关的研究主题还包括注意(attention)、理解(comprehension)、动机(motivation)、训练移转(transfer of training)。亦请参阅behavior genetics、behaviourism、educational psychology、imprinting、instinct、intelligence。
English version:
Process of acquiring modifications in existing knowledge, skills, habits, or tendencies through experience, practice, or exercise. Learning includes associative processes (see association, conditioning), discrimination of sense-data, psychomotor and perceptual learning (see perception), imitation, concept formation, problem solving, and insight learning. Animal learning has been studied by ethologists and comparative psychologists, the latter often drawing explicit parallels to human learning (see comparative psychology, ethology). The first experiments concerning associative learning were conducted by Ivan Pavlov in Russia and Edward L. Thorndike in the U.S. Critics of the early stimulus-response (S-R) theories, such as Edward C. Tolman, claimed they were overly reductive and ignored a subject's inner activities. Gestalt-psychology researchers drew attention to the importance of pattern and form in perception and learning, while structural linguists argued that language learning was grounded in a genetically inherited “grammar.” Developmental psychologists, such as Jean Piaget, highlighted stages of growth in learning. More recently, cognitive scientists have explored learning as a form of information processing, while some brain researchers, such as Gerald Maurice Edelman, have proposed that thinking and learning involve an ongoing process of cerebral pathway building. Related topics of research include attention, comprehension, motivation, and transfer of training. See also behavior genetics, behaviorism, educational psychology, imprinting, instinct, intelligence.