

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:42:03作者:百科


东南亚国家。面积5,641平方哩(14,609平方公里)。人口约897,000(2001)。首都帝力(Dili)。语言:德顿语、葡萄牙语(均为官方语),以及印尼语。宗教:基督教为主。货币:美元(US$)。东帝汶由帝汶岛东半部、坎宾(Kambing)和雅可(Jako)两小岛,以及帝汶西北海岸围绕欧库西(Okussi)镇的前飞地组成。滨临帝汶海(Timor Sea),与帝汶岛西半部接壤。1520年葡萄牙人首先到帝汶定居,1860年获准统治帝汶的东半部。1975年帝汶政党弗莱提林(Fretilin)在葡萄牙人撤军後宣布独立。1976年印度尼西亚军队入侵,1976年被并入印度尼西亚的一省。这次行动引起联合国的争议,并在之後的二十几年造成数千名东帝汶人的死亡。1999年举办独立公投,东帝汶获得压倒性的胜利,印度尼西亚军队的「民兵」於是到处杀戮报复,杀了数百名平民。後来印度尼西亚议会宣布先前兼并东帝汶的行动无效,东帝汶回复到被兼并以前的无自治领土状态,不过这次是在联合国的监管下。2002年东帝汶获得完全的独立,并举行第一次总统大选。

East Timor

Country, Southeast Asia. Area: 5,641 square miles (14,609 square km). Population (2001 est.): 897,000. Capital: Dili. Language: Tetum and Portuguese (both official); also Bahasa Indonesia. Religion: Christianity (predominantly). Currency: U.S. dollar. East Timor consists of the eastern half of the island of Timor, the islands of Kambing and Jaco, and the former enclave surrounding the town of Okussi on the northwestern coast. It is bounded by the Timor Sea and by the western half of Timor. The Portuguese first settled on Timor in 1520 and were granted rule over Timor's eastern half in 1860. The Timor political party Fretilin declared East Timor independent in 1975 after Portugal withdrew its troops. It was invaded by Indonesian forces and was incorporated as a province of Indonesia in 1976. The takeover, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of East Timorese during the next two decades, was disputed by the United Nations. In 1999 an independence referendum won overwhelmingly; Indonesian military “militias” then rampaged through the province, killing hundreds of people. The Indonesian parliament rescinded Indonesia's annexation of the territory, and East Timor was returned to its preannexation status as a non-self-governing territory, though this time under UN supervision. In 2002 East Timor achieved full sovereignty and held its first presidential elections.


  • 东帝汶民主共和国的历史沿革专项地理
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