塞琉西王国国王(西元前175~西元前164年在位)。安条克三世之子。他作为人质被软禁於罗马(西元前189~西元前175年)。被释放回国後,他将篡位者逐出叙利亚。西元前169年,他" />
更新时间:2023-02-02 16:36:37作者:百科
Antiochus IV Epiphanes ("God Manifest")
塞琉西王国国王(西元前175~西元前164年在位)。安条克三世之子。他作为人质被软禁於罗马(西元前189~西元前175年)。被释放回国後,他将篡位者逐出叙利亚。西元前169年,他夺取了除首都亚历山大里亚以外的全部埃及领土,由他担任其侄托勒密六世(Ptolemy VI)保护人来治理埃及。西元前168年罗马大败了他的盟友马其顿并取走了塞浦路斯和埃及一切胜利的果实,他?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/221/244487.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>黄壤肟饬礁龅厍员S行鹄悄喜俊N髟?67年他从埃及回来的时候,强行占领了耶路撒冷,迫使该城希腊化。犹太仪式被废止,违者以死论处。他下令在犹太教圣殿中建起宙斯的祭坛。犹太人不堪忍受这种亵渎,就在马加比(Judas Maccabeus)的领导下展开游击战争,多次打败安条克任命的镇压起义的将领。马加比於西元前164年底捣毁宙斯的祭坛,重建犹太教的圣殿。之後安条克四世为防卫贝帝业,在东方抵御安息,重获亚美尼亚,并在具死前直抵阿拉伯海岸。
English version:
Antiochus IV Epiphanes ("God Manifest")
(“God Manifest”)Seleucid king of the Hellenistic Syrian kingdom (175-164 BC). Son of Antiochus III, he was taken hostage in Rome (189-175), where he learned about Roman institutions. On his release, he ousted a usurper to take over Syria. He conquered Egypt except Alexandria (169) and ruled Egypt as regent for his nephew Ptolemy VI. The Roman defeat of his Macedonian allies neutralized his victories in Cyprus and Egypt (168), and he was forced to leave both, though he kept southern Syria. He took Jerusalem (167) and enforced its Hellenization; Jewish rites were forbidden on pain of death. In 164 Judas Maccabaeus and the anti-Greek Jews conquered Judaea except for the Acra in Jerusalem (164), tore down the altar of Zeus, and reconsecrated the Temple. Antiochus then turned to defending his empire against the Parthians in the east, regained Armenia, and went on to the Arabian coast before dying in Persis.