

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:34:14作者:百科


16~17世纪法国新教徒(Protestant),其中许多人因自身信仰而遭受严重迫害。第一个法国胡格诺派团体建立於1546年,1559年首次集会中起草的信仰告白(confession of faith)受到了喀尔文理念的影响。胡格诺派成员的数量迅速增多,成为一股政治力量,由科利尼领导。跟罗马天主教政府、吉斯家族(House of Guise)等的冲突,造成宗教战争(Wars of Religion, 1562~1598)。为争取宗教与公民自由,一个胡格诺派政党於1573年成立。1576年,强势的反胡格诺派组织神圣联盟成立。1593年,亨利四世放弃新教(Protestantism)改信天主教,终结了内战,但1598年他颁布「南特敕令」(Edict of Nantes),授予新教徒权利。1620年代内战再起,胡格诺派丧失政治势力,继续遭受折磨并被迫改宗。1685年,路易十四世(Louis XIV)废除南特敕令;接下来数年,有超过四十万名的新教徒离开法国。


French Protestants of the 16th-17th century, many of whom suffered severe persecution for their faith. The first French Huguenot community was founded in 1546, and the confession of faith drawn up by the first synod in 1559 was influenced by the ideas of John Calvin. Their numbers increased rapidly and they became a political force, led by Gaspard II de Coligny. Conflicts with the Roman Catholic government and others, including the House of Guise, led to the Wars of Religion (1562-98). A Huguenot political party was formed in 1573 to fight for religious and civil liberties. The powerful anti-Huguenot Holy League was formed in 1576. Henry IV ended the civil wars by abjuring Protestantism in 1593 and converting to Catholicism, but in 1598 he promulgated the Edict of Nantes, granting rights to Protestants. Civil wars occurred again in the 1620s, the Huguenots lost their political power, and they continued to be harassed and forcibly converted. In 1685 Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes; over the next several years, more than 400,000 French Protestants left France.
