

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:28:37作者:百科


正式名称茅利塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国(Islamic Republic of Mauritania)


最早的居民是桑哈贾柏柏尔人(Sanhadja Berbers)。11~12世纪期间,该国为柏柏尔阿尔摩拉维德人(Berber Almoravid)运动的中心,该运动把伊斯兰教强加於邻近地区的许多部族。15世纪阿拉伯各部族到达茅利塔尼亚,并建立了数个强大的联邦,有统治塞内加尔河地区的特拉尔萨(Trarza)和布拉克那(Brakna)、占据东部的昆塔(Kunta)以及北部的里格爱贝特(Rigaibat)。葡萄牙人於15世纪抵达。法国藉着1817年的「塞内加尔条约」取得沿海地区的控制,1903年正式的保护地扩大到全境。1904年划入法属西非,1920年成为殖民地。1960年茅利塔尼亚获得独立,脱离法兰西共同体。首任总统达达赫(M. O. Daddah)在1978年的一场政变中被废黜,军人政府成立。1980年成立文官政府,1991年通过新宪法。1990年代期间,虽然在经济自由化方面获得一些成功,政府与反对派之间的关系却日益恶化。


Republic, North Africa. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. Area: 398,000 sq mi (1,030,700 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 2,410,000. Capital: Nouakchott. The Moors (of mixed Arab-Berber and Sudanic black descent) consitute the great majority of the population. Languages: Arabic (official); Fulani, Soninke, Wolof (all national). Religion: Islam (official). Currency: ouguiya. Most of Mauritania is made up of low-lying desert that forms the westernmost part of the Sahara. Only a tiny fraction of its land is arable, but almost 40% is rangeland or pasture, and the nomadic herding of goats, sheep, and camels occupies a large portion of the population. Ocean fishing and iron-ore production are major sources of revenue. It is a republic with two legislative houses; its head of state and government is the president, assisted by the prime minister. Inhabited in ancient times by Sanhadja Berbers, in the 11th-12th century it was the center of the Berber Almoravid movement, which imposed Islam on many of the neighboring peoples. Arab tribes arrived in the 15th century and formed several powerful confederations: Trarza and Brakna, which dominated the Sénégal River region; Kunta in the east; and Rigaibat in the north. The Portuguese arrived in the 15th century. France gained control of the coastal region in the Senegal treaty of 1817, and in 1903 a formal protectorate was extended over the territory. In 1904 it was added to French West Africa, and in 1920 it became a colony. In 1960 Mauritania achieved independence and left the French Community. The country's first president, Moktar Ould Daddah, was ousted in a coup in 1978, and a military government was established. In 1980 a civilian government was set up and in 1991 a new constitution was adopted. During the 1990s, relations between the government and opposition groups deteriorated, even as there was some success in liberalizing the economy.
