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Adler, Alfred
阿德勒,奥地利精神病学家。於维也纳获得医学学位。早年业医时即强调应关注周遭环境中的个人关系。1902~1911年为弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的学生和助理,但两人後来在儿童早期的性冲突在精神病理学方面的重要性产生分歧。他和一群追随者建立了个体心理学(individual psychology)学派。他进而以自卑感(inferiority complex)来解释罹患精神病的原因以人道观点研究驱动力、感觉、情绪、记忆等与个体生命相关的内容设计了一种灵活的支持性心理治疗方法,以指导有自卑感的情绪障碍患者达到成熟,成为对社会有用的人。他强调应联系整个环境来考虑患者的问题,并开始设计一种人道主义的、整体主义的、器质论的解决人类问题的方法。1921年在维也纳建立第一个儿童指导所。1927年起,先後任哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)和长岛医学院(Long Island College of medicine)的客座教授。着作包括《理解人性》(Understanding Human Nature, 1927)、《生活对你应意味着什麽》(What Life Should Mean to You, 1931)。
English version:
Adler, Alfred
Austrian psychiatrist. He earned his medical degree in Vienna, and from his earliest years as a physician he stressed consideration of the individual in relation to his or her total environment. A student and associate of Sigmund Freud (1902-11), he eventually broke with Freud over the importance of early-childhood sexual conflicts in the development of psychopathology. With his followers he developed the school of individual psychology, the humanistic study of drives, feelings, emotions, and memory in the context of the individual's overall life plan. Adler advanced the theory of the inferiority complex to explain cases of psychopathology; Adlerian psychotherapy sought to direct patients emotionally disabled by inferiority feelings toward maturity, common sense, and social usefulness. He established the first child-guidance clinic in 1921 in Vienna. He taught in the U.S. (at Columbia University and the Long Island College of Medicine) from 1927 until his death. His works include Understanding Human Nature (1927) and What Life Should Mean to You (1931).