

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:26:11作者:百科


16世纪欧洲宗教改革运动(Rofomnation)中的激进派。该派最突出的特点在於主张唯成年受洗(baptism)方为有效。他们遵循瑞士宗教改革家茨温利(Huldryoh Zwingli)的说法,认为婴儿不应受到罪的惩罚,只有到了人能够区别善恶之後才可以,那时他们才能行使自由意志、告解悔改而接受洗礼。再洗礼派运动起源於苏黎世一批青年知识分子,其中一位闵采尔(Thomas Muntzer)宣称,再洗礼派所生存的时代,已经是接近末世。1525年他领导图林根(Thüringen)农民起义,不久被处死。许多再洗礼派信徒在统治摩拉维亚(Moravia)安家落户。他们自称胡特尔派(Hutterite)。现今仍然存在,主要分布在加拿大和美国西部。荷兰和德国北部宗奉和平主义的再洗礼派在西门(Menno Simons)的领导下形成门诺会。


Member of a radical movement of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation characterized by adult baptism. Following Huldrych Zwingli, Anabaptists held that infants were not punishable for sin since they had no awareness of good and evil and thus could not yet exercise free will, repent, and accept baptism. Confident of living at the end of time, early Anabaptists sought to restore the institutions and spirit of the primitive church. The first adult baptisms took place outside Zurich in early 1525. Most Anabaptists were pacifists and refused to swear civil oaths. They were expelled from one city after another, and many were martyred. Thomas Muntzer emphasized the end-time and was executed after leading the Thuringian peasant revolt (1525). Many Anabaptists settled in Moravia, where they stressed the community of goods modeled on the primitive church at Jerusalem. This branch continues as the Hutterite movement, primarily in the western U.S. and Canada. Increasingly persecuted throughout Europe, Anabaptists in the Netherlands and northern Germany rallied under the leadership of Menno Simonsz. and survive as the Mennonites.
