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Muawiyah I, al-
伍麦叶王朝的第一任哈里发(661~680)。出生於一个反对穆罕默德的部族。先知穆罕默德征服麦加并与宿敌和解以後,穆阿威叶才成为穆斯林。後任大马士革总督,建立起一支强大且能与拜占庭人抗衡的叙利亚军队。他反对阿里登上哈里发的宝座,并最终将其推翻。自己以最强大穆斯林军队首领的身分成为新的哈里发。为了赢得非叙利亚阿拉伯人的忠心,他开始重视各部族的利益。他将部族的侵略行为发展成为反拜占庭人的战争,并在北非占领了的黎波里塔尼亚和伊弗利奇亚。为了管理其庞大的王国,他引进了罗马人和拜占庭人的管理方法,聘请那些其家人曾为拜占庭政府效力的基督徒。为了保证其儿子能继承王位,他实行世袭制。因为他背离了穆罕默德的统治方式,而不受虔诚的穆斯林史学家肯定,什叶派教徒也因阿里之死而嫉恨他。尽管如此,在阿拉伯文学作品中他仍被誉为是理想的统治者。Amr ibn al-As、fitnah、Husayn ibn Ali和Karbala, Battle of。
English version:
Muawiyah I, al-
First caliph (661-80) of the Umayyad dynasty. Born into a clan that rejected Muhammad, he converted only after Muhammad had conquered Mecca. As governor of Damascus he built up the Syrian army until it was strong enough to resist Byzantine attacks. Opposed to Ali's caliphate, he eventually overthrew Ali and, as commander of the largest Muslim military force, became caliph. To win the loyalty of non-Syrian Arabs, he introduced methods by which the tribes could keep the caliph informed of their interests. He channeled tribal aggressiveness into anti-Byzantine campaigns, and in North Africa captured Tripolitania and Ifriqiyah. To administer his large empire, he adopted Roman and Byzantine procedures, employing Christians whose families had served in Byzantine governments. By securing his son as his successor, he established hereditary rule. Though disliked by pious Muslim historians for deviating from Muhammad's leadership style and by Shiites for his role in Ali's death, he is praised in Arabic literature as the ideal ruler. See also Amr ibn al-As, fitnah, Husayn ibn Ali, Battle of Karbala.