更新时间:2023-02-02 16:23:29作者:百科
正式名称丹麦王国(Kingdom of Denmark)
欧洲中北部立宪君主国。面积16,639平方哩(43,094平方公里)。领土包括格陵兰(Greenland)和法罗群岛(Faeroe Islands),它们是自治领地。人口约5,358,000(2001)。首都︰哥本哈根。人口中大多数是北欧人(Nordic)。语言︰丹麦语(Danish,官方语)。宗教:福音路德宗(Evangelical Lutheranism,国教)。货币︰丹麦克朗(Danish krone; Dkr)。丹麦位於北海(North sea)和波罗的海(Baltic sea)之间,日德兰(Jutland)半岛占全国面积最大部分。此外,还包括东边的一个岛群。两个最大岛屿为西兰岛(Sj?lland)和菲英岛(Fyn),共占全国陆地总面积的1/4。海岸线长达4,500哩(7,300公里)。气候温和潮湿。丹麦为混合型经济,以服务业和制造业为主,并夸称拥有世界最古老和最大的社会福利制度之一。生活水准排在世界最高列。政府形式为君主立宪议会制国家,一院制。国家元首是丹麦国王,政府首脑为首相。
早在西元前10万年即有人类在此活动。约在西元6世纪时,条顿族(Teutons)的一支丹麦人(Danes)定居此地。在维京人(Viking)时期,丹麦人扩张其领土。到11世纪时,统一的丹麦王国的领土包括现在的德国、瑞典、英格兰和挪威。1397丹麦统治了斯堪的那维亚地区,直到1523年瑞典独立。17世纪为争夺波罗的海霸权,丹麦与瑞典发动许多次消耗国力的战争,因作战多次失利,最後签订「哥本哈根和约」(Treaty of Copenhagen, 1660),画定了现代斯堪的那维亚疆界。19~20世纪,丹麦取得和失去一些领土,包括挪威。1849~1915年通过三部宪法,1940~1945为纳粹德国占领。北大西洋公约组织(NATO, 1949)的发起国之一。1953年通过新宪法。1973年成为欧洲经济共同体(今欧洲联盟〔European Union〕)成员。1990年代期间变更其会员资格。1997年一条连接西兰岛(哥本哈根位於该岛)和中部岛屿菲英岛的铁路隧道和桥梁建成,结束了一百多年来的渡轮服务,缩短跨越的时间在十分钟以下。
English version:
DanishDanmarkConstitutional monarchy, northern central Europe. Area: 16,639 sq mi (43,094 sq km). Its territory includes Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, which are self-governing dependencies. Population (1997 est.): 5,284,000. Capital: Copenhagen. The majority of the population is Nordic. Language: Danish (official). Religion: Evangelical Lutheranism (official). Currency: Danish krone. Lying between the North and Baltic seas, it occupies the Jutland peninsula and an archipelago to its east. The two largest islands, Sjaelland and Fyn, together make up more than one-fourth of the country's total land area. With a 4,500-mi (7,300-km) coastline, the climate is generally temperate and often wet. Denmark has a mixed economy based on services and manufacturing and boasts one of the world's oldest and largest social-welfare systems. Its standard of living is among the highest in the world. Its chief of state is the Danish monarch, while the head of government is the prime minister. Inhabited from 100,000 BC, it was settled by Danes, a Scandinavian branch of the Teutons, c. 6th century AD. During the Viking period the Danes expanded their territory, and by the 11th century the united Danish kingdom included parts of what are now Germany, Sweden, England, and Norway. Scandinavia was united under Danish rule from 1397 until 1523, when Sweden became independent; a series of debilitating wars with Sweden in the 17th century resulted in the Treaty of Copenhagen (1660), which established the modern Scandinavian frontiers. Denmark gained and lost various other territories, including Norway, in the 19th and 20th century; it went through three constitutions between 1849 and 1915 and was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1940-45. A founding member of NATO (1949), Denmark adopted its current constitution in 1953. It became a member of the European Union in 1973, and modified its membership during the 1990s. The island of Zealand, on which Copenhagen stands, was connected to the central island of Funen by a rail tunnel and bridge in 1997. This ended more than 100 years of ferry service and cut the crossing time to under 10 minutes.