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Marx, Karl (Heinrich)

德国政治理论家和革命家。他在波昂大学攻读人文学科(1835),并在柏林大学攻读法律与哲学(1836~1841),在那里接触到黑格尔的作品。在科隆和巴黎以作家身分工作(1842~1845),开始活跃於左翼政治圈。在巴黎,他遇到恩格斯,後来二人成为长期的伙伴。1845年被逐出法国後,迁居布鲁塞尔,政治定位在此成熟,他和恩格斯藉着作品而扬名。马克思受邀参加伦敦一个左翼的团体,他与恩格斯并为之写作《共产党宣言》(1848)。同年,他在德国组成第一个莱茵兰民主议会,并反对普鲁士国王解散普鲁士国会。1849年他流亡到伦敦,并在此度过余年。长年以来,他的家人生活在贫穷之中,有二个孩子已经死去。他以欧洲特派员身分在《纽约论坛报》兼职(1851~1862),同时写作他批判资本主义的主要作品《资本论》(1867~1894,三卷)。1864年起,他是第一国际的主要人物,直到1872年巴枯宁变节为止。亦请参阅communism、dialectical materialism、Marxism。


Marx, Karl (Heinrich)

German political theorist and revolutionary. He studied humanities at the University of Bonn (1835) and law and philosophy at the University of Berlin (1836-41), where he was exposed to the works of G. W. F. Hegel. Working as a writer in Cologne and Paris (1842-45), he became active in leftist politics. In Paris he met Friedrich Engels, who would become his lifelong collaborator. Expelled from France in 1845, he moved to Brussels, where his political orientation matured and he and Engels made names for themselves through their writings. Marx was invited to join a secret left-wing group in London, for which he and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto (1848). That same year he organized the first Rhineland Democratic Congress in Germany and opposed the king of Prussia when he dissolved the Prussian Assembly. Exiled, he moved to London in 1849, where he would live the rest of his life. For years his family lived in poverty, and two of his children died. He worked part-time as a European correspondent for the New York Tribune (1851-62) while writing his major critique of capitalism, Das Kapital (3 vols., 1867-94). He was a leading figure in the First International from 1864 until the defection of Mikhail Bakunin in 1872. See also communism, dialectical materialism, Marxism.


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