更新时间:2023-02-02 15:54:02作者:百科
Smuts, Jan (Christian)
南非政治家、军人及总理(1919~1924、1939~1948)。为阿非利堪人,在剑桥大学学习法律,後返回非洲,1897年被克鲁格(P. Kruger)总统任命为国家辩护律师。曾参加反抗英国的南非战争,与波塔一起反对米尔纳(A. Milner)的求和条款。他在1905年认同了英国的统治,并在大英联邦中保持南非的国家地位。第一次世界大战期间再度与波塔一起镇压反抗,占领西南非,并在东非发起一场运动。他参加了华沙和会,支持建立同盟国。波塔去世後,他成为总理,但在1924年被南非国民党联合击败。1933年协助赫尔佐格(J. B. M. Hertzog)的势力摆脱极端的民族主义者,并在1939年被赫尔佐格任命为总理。在他的领导下,南非协同阻止德国和义大利对北非的入侵。1948年被马兰(D. F. Malan)领导的国民党击败,後在剑桥大学担任名誉校长,直到去世。
English version:
Smuts, Jan (Christian)
South African statesman, soldier, and prime minister (1919-24, 1939-48). An Afrikaner, Smuts studied law at Cambridge University Returning to South Africa, he was appointed state attorney in Pretoria by Pres. Paul Kruger in 1897. He fought the British in the South African War, and joined with Louis Botha to oppose Alfred Milner's implementation of the peace terms. By 1905 Smuts was reconciled to British control and sought to maintain South Africa within the Commonwealth. In World War I he joined again with Botha to suppress rebellion, conquer S.West Africa, and launch a campaign in eastern Africa. He attended the Versailles peace conference and helped promote the League of Nations. When Botha died, he became prime minister. He was defeated in 1924 by a National Party coalition. In 1933 he helped J.B.M. Hertzog force out the extreme nationalists, and in 1939 he replaced Hertzog as prime minister. Under his leadership, South Africa helped prevent Germany and Italy from conquering northern Africa. In 1948 he was defeated by Daniel F. Malan's Nationalists. He ended his life as chancellor of Cambridge Univ.