

更新时间:2023-02-02 16:15:32作者:百科


保险公司,今属於花旗集团。1864年由石匠巴特松(J. Bat-terso)所创立的旅行家保险公司是一家创新的行业龙头公司。1864年开始出售第一张意外事故保险,1865年开始从事人寿保险,成为第一个提供多种保险业务的美国公司。1901年巴特松去世时,旅行家公司的业务范围已包括健康、债务和汽车保险等。1919年成为第一个出售航空保险的公司。1993年在不动产投资遭受损失之後,被普利梅利加公司(Primerica Corporation)收购。普利梅利加公司的前身是建立於1987年的美国罐头公司(American Can Corporation),新公司称为旅行家集团。1996年旅行家集团购买了安泰人寿保险公司的伤害和财产保险业务。1997年购买萨洛蒙兄弟公司(Sa-lomon Brothers Inc),并与史密斯邦尼(Smith Barney)公司、哈里斯阿伯翰公司(Harris Upham & Co.)及希尔逊(Shearson)仲介公司合并,最後组成萨洛蒙-史密斯邦尼股份有限公司,成为全国最大的证券公司之一。1998年旅行家公司和花旗公司合并组成花旗集团。

Travelers Inc.

Insurance company, now part of Citigroup. Founded in 1864 by the stonecutter James Batterson, the Travelers Insurance Co. was an innovative leader in its industry. It sold the first accident insurance in the U.S. in 1864, and in 1865 it began selling life insurance, becoming the first American company to offer more than one type of insurance. When Batterson died in 1901, Travelers was offering health, liability, and automotive insurance. In 1919 it became the first company to sell aviation insurance. In 1993, after suffering losses in real estate, it was acquired by the Primerica conglomerate, formed in 1987 from the non-packaging operations of the American Can Co., and the new company became known as the Travelers Group. In 1996 the Travelers Group bought the casualty and property insurance businesses of the Aetna Life and Casualty Co. In 1997 it bought Salomon Brothers Inc., which it merged with Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. and the Shearson brokerage business; the resulting firm, Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc., is one of the country's largest securities firms. In 1998 Travelers merged with Citicorp to form Citigroup.
